Monday, April 20, 2009

Baseball Musings

Baseball has taken full force and the standings are beginning to take shape. There have been a few surprises along the way but overall it has been a somewhat standard season on the diamond within the Hogo.

Lets go through each team and discuss the hype... in no particular order.

Rural Retreat (2-5, 0-3)
Good: Winning a few games.
Bad: Allowing way too many runs. The Indians need to step-up the defense big time if they want to dodge last place in the district.
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda: The Indians need to get the rest of their kinks out when they take on Oak Hill and Narrows (home and away) in the coming weeks. They have a good opportunity to knock off some teams that are currently struggling like Northwood and George Wythe. But even then, they will need to improve their fundamentals and cut down on the errors.

Holston (5-4, 3-0)
Good: The Cavs have won five games and are currently undefeated in district play, tying them for first with district power, Chilhowie.
Bad: The teams they have beaten have no wins over teams with wins. In fact, between George Wythe, Rural Retreat, and Northwood, their only wins have been over Bland. Ervinton has no such thing as a win. Holston's record is deceiving.
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda: The weak part of the schedule won't last for long, the Cavs will be tested soon as they take on country rival Patrick Henry, cross-border foe Johnson County, and another doubleheader against Oak Hill Academy. Four games in three days may show us who Holston really is and how deep they are.

George Wythe (2-6, 0-2)
Good: Well.. Those young guys are getting some valuable experience. Things can only go up for first year skipper, Jerad Ward.
Bad: Getting trounced by everyone. Not to mention, a near scare against a winless Bland County team.
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda: It may be too early to throw this season away a consider it useless. The Maroons have eight district games left, a few wins here and there could land them in a decent spot come district tournament time. The Hogoheegee is weak top to bottom which is good news if you're a weak team.

Northwood (1-9, 0-3)
Good: Lebanon and Fort Chiswell are tough clubs. Although they were mercy-ruled once against each, they were also not mercy-ruled once. It may not seem like much of a positive, but any time your team can learn and adapt, it's a good sign. Besides, the less mercy-rules, the better.
Bad: They have been whacked a few times. Most notably, against Holston 14-2. Holston has five wins and appears to be playing decent baseball, but no one thought they were 12 runs better than Northwood. The Panthers need to rally fast if they want to dodge the cellar.
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda: Games remaining against Rural Retreat, George Wythe, and Bland could get the Panthers on the right track and help build some confidence. Or, conversely, it could destroy any ounce of hope remaining. They will have to decide that for themselves.

Patrick Henry (3-6, 1-0)
Good: After starting off the year losing 52-14 in their first four losses, the Rebels bounced back and topped always talented Johnson County, TN.
Bad: When they lose... they lose. In their defense, they have played some stiff competition. Although JSB is in an off year, they would still cruise through a typical Hogoheegee schedule. Honaker is undefeated, Johnson County is good, Lebanon is good... so we can cut PH some slack.
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda: They have a chance to show just how good that tough, early season schedule has made them in the coming week as they square off against Holston, GW, and Chilhowie. A win over all three would turn the district standings into a pretzel.

Chilhowie (6-2, 3-0)
Good: When John Battle left the Hogoheegee two years ago, they handed the torch to Chilhowie who has let it burn bright. The Warriors have outscored district opponents 40-10 in their three games. However, those three wins were over the same three teams who have done nothing this year except abuse Bland. Chilhowie also has two strong wins over MED perennial power, Grayson County.
Bad: Losing to Marion and Galax. These aren't bad clubs but for a team with Region C aspirations, it's not a good sign.
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda: Upcoming games against Graham and Richlands will be good tests for Chilhowie before reentering district play. Unless the rest of the Hogoheegee finds better pitching, hitting, and defense, it appears to be Chilhowie's to lose.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Softball musings

So a few games have finally been played and while some teams are further along their schedule than others, I figure its time for some mid-season hype.

Lets start with softball and in no particular order:

Chilhowie (2-5, 0-2)
Good:  They kicked off the season with a couple of strong wins to get things rolling.
Bad:  They have lost five straight and are allowing lots of runs.  They have been outscored 59-19 in their losing streak
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda: With games against Holston and Abingdon coming up, things certainly won't get any easier for the Warriors.  If they can take a couple over Rural Retreat and manage to get by George Wythe (their closest matched district competitor) things could turn around.  Otherwise, have a good summer.

George Wythe (6-2, 2-1)
Good: Six wins including avenging a 9 point loss to Pulaski with a 5-4 win at home.  Sitting right pretty at a tie for second place in the district with Holston.
Bad:  Holston has been a surprise this year but losing by 15 to any team in the district is humbling.  Especially considering the veterans for George Wythe and the freshmen Holston advertise.  Perhaps their is excuse is that they didn't expect Holston to be so durn good?
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda:  Four straight district games coming up for the Maroons could dictate the rest of their season.  Three of those games include the current district powers; Patrick Henry, Northwood, and Holston.  Winning a couple of those could get the Lady Roons on the right track.

Rural Retreat (0-6, 0-2)
Good:  Runs.  Last season Rural Retreat, although winless, were winless without much to show for it.  This year they have shown that they can hang a bit.
Bad:  Still allowing too many runs.  In their 6 reported games, they have allowed 73 runs.
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda:  With nothing but a slate of district games remaining, there is not much time left to make a mark on the season.  Chilhowie might be the Indians only chance at a W and even then it will be a tough task as the rest of the Hogo is laden with too much talent.

Patrick Henry (7-4, 1-1)
Good:  7 wins.  2 losses against two larger Tennessee schools and a split with always powerful Virginia.
Bad:  In a season where Patrick Henry was picked to rule the district, they choke to a hot Holston team and county rival.
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda:  No reason to panic yet.  PH still has to play Northwood which will likely settle much of the dust around who is actually number one in the district.  As of right now, it is way too close to call.  But thats when its the best! Right?

Northwood (6-1, 2-0)
Good:  Undefeated in district play including wins over country rival, Chilhowie (20-5) and a monster win over fellow district frontrunner, Holston.
Bad:  There isn't much bad right now other than being shutout against Lebanon in spite of scoring a total of  86 runs in their 6 wins on the year.
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda:  The Panthers still have to take on Patrick Henry twice which will decide who gets most of the marbles.  Northwood must also fight off the Cavs again when they roll into town next week.  Could be a good one, bring the kids.

Holston (7-1, 2-1)
Good:  A lot. Last season Holston only won 5 games.  Although a majority of them were close, this season the Lady Cavs have opened several eyes as they have stormed out open the year with 7 wins; including a huge win over last season's district champ and huge rival, PH.
Bad:  It is hard to say anything is bad about a program that has finally gotten back up on it's feet after a few cellar years.  Patience is a virtue, ask Coach Lisa Blackburn.
Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda:  Having played the three toughest teams they likely will face in the district, not including a double header with Abingdon coming up and a tour with Lebanon, it's safe to say that Holston can play with anyone they have on the calendar.  They have rematches against GW, PH, and NW as well.  If they keep playing like they have been, there is no doubt they may see some postseason play.  One chicken, two chicken... oh wait, lets not do that yet.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Updates

Umm.. what month is it? January? On Neptune?

NO! It's April and this weather is killing sports!! I just drafted an email to Mother Nature that read,

"Dear Mother Nature,


Best Wishes,


I don't expect to hear back but maybe it will inspire some good weather.

And of course, Field.

Field cannot be left out with any mention of track.

Several folks have commented that does a shady job at covering track for the Hogoheegee and have suggested that I take over those duties. I'll be glad to take over anything with an adequate amount of information because frankly, I don't want to do any shady coverage either. So, in the coming weeks you will find a link off of the main page that will send you directly to an archived track message board full of (hopefully) good track info. Track coaches, email me your stuff if you get time.

Stuff = rosters, schedule, results

Also, over the summer I would like to compile a list of school track records and Hogoheegee records if those are available. Just something to be thinking about.


No, not "wrasslin'". Wrestling. I'm looking for folks to help out with the Wrestling part of the site for next year. Wrestling is a tremendous sport and the Hogoheegee has more wrestling history than you could begin to imagine. Just as I previously mentioned for track, I don't want to have any shady coverage but I do know the Hogoheegee has some intense wrestling fans. So if you're computer saavy, know a lot about Hogoheegee wrestling and can post some results and schedules for me next year, let me know. desperately needs you. Wrestling season is basketball season for me and that part of the year I become overloaded with rankings and results for those two sports. If I took on wrestling by myself, I would be doing the sport a tremendous disservice. It deserves someone's full attention. Again, please, be a part of the HogoOnline team.

HogoOnline Athletes of the Year

For those of you who were fans of the site last year, you remember we did a vote on the Male and Female athletes of the year. That will be happening again this year. Last year's winners were Kendra Nutter of Northwood and Tennis Simon of George Wythe. This year the format will be a little different. At the end of April I will post a survey for folks to nominate their favorite athletes. Last year I picked the nominees and a few commented that I left a few deserving folks out. This year you can only blame yourselves. Bahaha. I will take the top 4 males and females from each school and put that into a poll for everyone to vote on. The poll will likely run for about 60 days to ensure everyone gets in there and votes. So be thinking about the district's best athletes from fall through spring, males and females, and nominate them when the time comes. (I will post a link off of the already extremely cluttered main page).

Message Board Woes

If you have had any trouble accessing the message board in the last several days, please raise your hand.

Ok, hands down.

Sorry?? I don't know what the problem is. I can log on and several others have been able to log on. Yet, apparently, there is a few people who are asked to login after they already have. I looked into it and I don't think there is anything I can do. I recommend deleting some cookies, restarting your computer, or simply rechecking your password. If you have had this problem, please email me and let me know. Maybe we can see a pattern with particular accounts that will narrow down the source of this issue.

HogoOnline Rankings
and fans, thereof

Recently, I emailed a list of boys and girls basketball coaches throughout Region C along with a few AD's and what I would consider VIP's who are mainly noteworthy sports writers in our area. I was asked to get some feedback regarding the rankings system for basketball that I put out on the site each year to see if they could possibly be THE or A supporting variable in the decision of what teams advance to the playoffs and which ones do not.

While 16 coaches were contacted, only 8 responded.

7 were in favor of it. 1 was not. The 1 that was not in favor did not provide any justification as to why.

7 to 1 is good enough for me. I will take this to the next step and you may see our beloved rankings mean something major next year for both boys and I'll be introducing it for girls. But still yet, there are plenty others that I have to convince. Wish me luck.