Friday, October 3, 2008

Volleyball scores ignored. Free T-shirt!?

Of all the sports I cover, volleyball is probably the most difficult to get results for. Could it be because football is the more glorious sport? Football rakes in the most money? Football draws the most crowds?

Perhaps so.

But that's not to say that the ladies need be ignored on the volleyball court. They work hard and practice hard just like the football team. They even play nearly twice as many games.

When I look for the scores by phoning up my parents from back home to pass along any scores they find in the newspaper, I'm always disappointed to miss a few here and there. I surely don't ignore volleyball. I treat it just as I do any other sport as I try to make HogoOnline as unbiased for school and sport as possible.

By taking a look at this year's volleyball page you may notice that there are a few more scores than there were last year, but maybe that is because I got better at finding them...not that they were actually reported more often. One will also notice that only one single write-up has been posted online about a Hogoheegee volleyball team this season. That game was the season-opener between Virginia High and Northwood nearly a month and a half ago. Last season there were quite a few write-ups for each team.

If anyone can do their part and help report some volleyball scores, records, and tournament results to keep this site on top of Hogoheegee sport reporting, your efforts will be especially welcome. The site can only give what it gets. On the contrary of what many think, HogoOnline is a one man show and I currently do not have any special connections when it comes to getting scores. I get them just like you do. I just put them all in one place and organize them to fit your viewing needs.

You can even email me after every game to report a score. In fact, that would be great.

I propose..

Whoever can report the most volleyball scores from now until the season ends will win a HogoOnline t-shirt. It's true. I just thought of it and I think it's a great idea.

Ways to report a score:
Post it on the volleyball board.
Call the newspaper, any newspaper.

Best wishes,

Hogo Sportz

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